Projects Package
We have made the project free for test but you can buy our premium package for some better features and if you buy the Premium Package, you will get full developer support .
Always Free Package
Dynamic specific products fetch in home pages
All Collection products in shop pages
Specific Category Collection products
Supper Fast "Add To Cart" system
Variable Product Support.
Products Filtering and Search
CheckOut form submit to order in wp order
Products Pagination.
Customer Account handel signIn, SignUp, View Order, other
Payment Getway integration and help for integration.
Thank you page
Version Update and Supported.
Premium Package : $112
Dynamic specific products fetch in home pages
All Collection products in shop pages
Specific Category Collection products
Supper Fast "Add To Cart" system
Variable Product Support.
Products Filtering and Search
CheckOut form submit to order in wp order
Products Pagination.
Customer Account handel signIn, SignUp, View Order, other
Payment Getway integration and help for integration.
Thank you page
Version Update and Supported.