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wooneapi – How to install woocommerce rest api to raectJs and Nextjs

We are created front-end development from wordpress(woocommerce) backend data. If you have woocommerce (wp) site then you can showing front-end. Of course you can control all data in your wordpress site.

Simply, if you will add woocommerce REST API consumer_key and consumer_secret code then automatic will collect the product information of the site and start the project and active the integrated features.

We think, we are developed easy way for developer friendly and not require any 3rd party plugin or any other hard code.
you will just configure WooCommerce token and other.

1st step. Downlead project File On your PC and Unzip your File. See
2nd step. Open project File from Any Code editor and Choose ‘Terminal’ and Type ‘npm install’ . See
3rd step. config.js: connection your WooCommerce site: Add site URLs, WooCommerce consumer_ke, consumer_secret, and currency, See
4th step. Type ‘npm run dev’ in code editor Terminal. See




Download: wooneapi project.